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Mantra Sadhana Benefits/मन्त्र साधना के लाभ

मन्त्र साधना के लाभ: Mantra Hindu mantras mystic repetition healing mantras sounds Grah mantras ‘Mantras’ are mystic sounds which produce certain type of energies. ‘Mananath Trayathe Ithi Mantraha’– Mantra protects the person who recites it. This means Mantras are primarily invented by great seers for the welfare of the society.

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A mantra is a revealed word, a divine sound that has been received or experienced by an adept in the state of deep (spiritual absorption). It is a condensed form of spiritual energy, the sound body of the Divine Being. It can also be thought of as a compact prayer. The yogic scriptures often compare mantra to a boat or a bridge that an aspirant can take to cross the mire of delusion created by the external world and reach the centre of consciousness within.

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Mystics and yogic say that mantra(Mantra Sadhana Benefits/मन्त्र साधना के लाभ) is an eternal friend who accompanies the mediator even after death, lighting the way in the realm where the light of the sun and the moon cannot penetrate. According to the more esoteric literature of the yoga tradition, mantra is the essence of the power of the spiritual master. In other words, the mantra is itself the guru. Mantra, God, guru and one’s highest self are identical.

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The branch of metaphysics known as the science of eternal vibration, hold that all creations evolves from the Word. Here “Word” does not refer to speech uttered by a human voice or the audible sound produced when two objects strike each other(Mantra Sadhana Benefits/मन्त्र साधना के लाभ). The Word is Anahata nada, the unstuck sound, which vibrates eternally in the realm of pure consciousness. It is the Word that existed before the beginning of creation.

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The power of mantra is not limited by time, space, or causation, for mantra is a self- existent, self-luminous reality that can be heard by all who have ears to hear. But mantra transcends sound for, as the scripture say, mantras are seen by the eyes of the soul rather than heard by the ears. One blessed with the vision of mantra is a Rishi.

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To have that vision, one needs purity of heart and a perfectly one-pointed mind. Only this will prepare the seeker for the brilliance of the transcendental light in which the sense of duality vanishes. In the glory of this revelation the seer and the seen become one. In that moment, that which was unmanifested becomes manifest in the form of mantra and  radiates in the inner chamber of the seer’s heart.

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From that time on it shines forth, and seekers are naturally drawn to the one who embodies it. That is how the science of mantra comes down to us today(Mantra Sadhana Benefits/मन्त्र साधना के लाभ). The seers who received the Word were blessed with its power,  and this power manifested spontaneously in their actions and speech.  Thus, the seers drew aspirants to them and they, in turn, prepared for and received the Word themselves. Thousands of years later this revelation still illuminates the path of true seekers.

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